
╔═══════════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═══════════╗Disclaimer:I'm NOT (!) the Person on the Pic!
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is for Role Play purposes ONLY!
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affiliated with me, the Owner and Writer
of the associated Bluesky/Minds Account!
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at no time (!) related to the real person
who is used as the FC!
Interactions with people from Real Life are
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suitable for minors nor for RPs with them!
The content is strictly aimed at adults!
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Social Media Links:Bluesky: Layla Hunter
Mastodon: /
Minds: /

» Content/Character Tags:
#RP #OC #MV #Supernatural #PresentTime #Mature #Dark #TriggerWarning #MDNI
» Type of Character: OC
» Verse/Fandom: Werewolf/Lycan
» Face Claim: Dayana Crunk
» Artist: -

» Code Name: -
» Alias: Mag
» Name: Hunter
» First Name: Layla
» Wolf Name: Kalomira
» Sprite Name: Melody
» Species: Werewolf-Vampire Hybrid
» Age: 22 years
» Gender: Female
» Blood Type: AB
» Voice: Clear, soft and melodic Voice
» Height Human: 5'7 ft | 1,70 m
» Shoulder Height Wolf: 4'1 ft | 1,24 m
» Sexuality: Hetero
» Weaknesses: Silver, a ridiculously high dose of Wolfsbane
» Occupation: Freelancer» Weapons: Officially none

Site 1

Personality Assessment

She is loyal, mostly peaceful, caring, a mix between outgoing and introvert, sarcastic. But also cold-blooded, cunning, sneaky & merciless.» Likes: Spicy food, learning, running in the Woods, etc.» Dislikes: Disputes, fights, boredom, etc.


Not much is known about Layla's past.
But she seems to come from a pack that was almost completely destroyed by a rival pack. Many pack members died during the fight, but she managed to escape with a few others.
She was a child at the time. With other children and a couple of adults she escaped the attack and the takeover by the other pack.
Many children lost their parents on that fateful day and since Layla comes from a lineage of strong gammas, it is possible that her parents died in battle or were even ultimately executed.[TBC]

Site 2


› General:

Good knowledge of Herbs, Shape shifting, high wolfsbane resistance, shadow ability, increased sensory perception (smell, hearing and sight), experienced in handling of cutting & stabbing weapons

› Shadow Ability:

This ability comes from her vampire side and through the shadow creatures her sprite can gain information.

Site 3


» Family: Unknown
The death of Layla's parents is not 100 percent certain, even if the probability of this is very high.

Werewolf Lore

The emergence of Werewolves

Once the Monngoddes had falling in love. With a wolf who had called the Volcano of Moon Mountain, home. The wolf, with black fur and strangely violet eyes, had loved the Goddess as she did him. Sadly, he was unable to act on it, as he was a wolf.One night, with the moon at it's fullest, he asked the Goddess for a human form for his wolf. Even if only for the one night, as he was nearing the end of his life cycle, he wished to make love to the Goddess, at least once. His life, was so short compared to the Goddesses existence. Wanting to be with him, she granted him his request. Using the fire within the Volcano of Moon Mountain, and the song of longing from his heart, she gave him his human form. But not just for one night. No, the Goddess had gifted him the ability to change to this new human form at will.
Using the power of the Volcano's fire had extended his life cycle significantly, he could live for Centuries. He had been Alpha, for all the wolves who lived in the surrounding forests, and lands on the Moon Mountain Volcano mountain range. With his new form, he was able to mate with the Moon Goddess, that night they created a life, their daughter.
Not wanting her daughter to be lonely, she granted all the wolves living on the Moon Mountain, mountain range, the ability to shift to human. She created the new race of Supernaturals, using the power of the elements around the wolves. Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Light, Shadows, Spirit, they had been the elements that made up the seven Clans original magic. Blackfires, the Fire element. Mountainmovers, the Earth element. Frosts, the Water Element. Northmountains, the Wind Element. Moonstars, the Light element. The Shadowtails, the Shadow element. The Heartsongs, the Spirit element.The elements gifted the wolves with very long lives, and a magic unique to them alone.


Werewolves can live up to nine hundred years, with the average at around seven hundred and sixty years old, before the Moon Goddess Calls them home. Most remain fertile until their three hundredth year.A mates heat, it’s purpose basically guarantees pregnancy, happens in six month intervals, except during pregnancy, until around their fiftieth year. Then it happens only about every five years, till around a mates hundredth year. Then it happens even more sporadically after that. Heats will completely stops around a mates three hundredth year.Our physical aging actually halts in between age twenty three to thirty six, depending on your bodies prime condition, it wasn't until you hit about five hundred and eighty to six hundred years old before you started to age again, then it takes about every two to four decades, between gradually aging. Werewolves when they reach their deathbed usually look like a very healthy human seventy, we retained most of our muscle mass and fitness because we always trained.No mater the age, unless there was a disability that prevented that, but it was very rare for that to happen.Werewolves are very resistant to Black Magic, it took a lot of it to control a Werewolf, unless you started on them as a child.

Site 1

The Wolf


The wolf of a werewolf is carefully assigned to the human counterpart by the moon goddess. This has its own name as well as its own personality, matching its human counterpart.
The wolf can be viewed as a second soul that really completes the werewolf. The human and the wolf get to know each other during the 14th birthday. The first transformation occurs when the moon is at its highest point on this day.
This is not only an important family event, but also an important one for the pack itself.
Alphas, however, get to know their wolf on their 13th birthday. On this day there is a big celebration, at the climax of which the child transforms for the first time in front of the family and pack. The community should help the child to get through the first transformation, which is not pleasant, well. The wolf also plays an important role because he guides his human counterpart in the transformation.
The wolf then runs in front of the pack and swears loyalty to the alpha and the pack.

Special Cases

There are cases in which the transformation occurs earlier, but these cases are often traumatic experiences and it only happens when there was no escape route. So you can call it a self-protective reflex.
Likewise, in extremely rare cases, a traumatic experience can lead to the wolf not appearing in humans until much later. This often leads to the misunderstanding that it is believed that the werewolf did not receive a wolf from the moon goddess. In fact, the wolf has been there for a long time and is just in a deep sleep until the time comes for him to show himself.

Appearance and Meaning

The appearance of a werewolf is similar to that of a common wolf, except that they are larger than ordinary wolves. But not as big as bears or even horses.
While the shoulder height of normal wolves is around 2'11 ft | 90 cm, the shoulder height of werewolves is on average 3'11 ft | 1.20 m.
Alphas have a shoulder height of 4'3 ft | 1.30 m and the Alpha of Alphas has a shoulder height of 4'7 ft | 1.40 m.
(Note: In terms of shape, I am referring to the shape that runs on four paws, not the one on two legs.)The rank of a werewolf is not only determined by its birth, but above all by the external characteristics of the wolf itself.
The most important indicators are the wolf’s stature, fur color and body size.”
» Examples:» Alpha of Alphas:Stature: Robust and muscular
Fur color: Deep black
Body size: Taller than an Alpha
» Alpha:Stature: Robust and muscular
Fur color: Black
Body size: Larger than others in the pack. This and the following description show clear differences and of course there are numerous variations. But with Alpha one thing is always the same. He only has one coat color and no pattern on his coat.
» Omega:Stature: Slim
Fur color: light brown, white, black
Body size: Small
This would be a description of an Omega whose body is designed more for speed than strength.

Special Wolves

[Coming soon...]

Site 2



Their partners only reveal themselves to werewolves when both have reached the age of 22. Of course, one party can also be older than 22 years if they find their partner.
In contrast to Lycans, werewolves do not go mad if they do not meet their destined mate. Both male and female werewolves exert an extremely strong attraction on their partners, from which the partners cannot really escape. Male werewolves can act very caring and protective towards their partner, even displaying possessive behavior and jealousy. They would also risk their own death to protect her.
Female werewolves, on the other hand, are more caring towards their partner and bring about a sense of balance in their partner. But they can also react possessively and jealously under certain circumstances.

Fated Mates

The Fated Mate is a partnership blessed by the Moon Goddess herself.
Werewolves can have two chances of finding a destiny mate, and in very rare cases even more. The emphasis here is on “ability”.
Unlike Lycans, werewolves can also partner with most other shapeshifters, vampires, witches, and even humans.
The Fated Mate does not necessarily have to be found in the same pack, so it can also live in another one. The reason for a second chance at a destiny mate may be that someone has rejected the partnership or that the previous partner has died.

Chosen Mates

Sometimes the mate you choose is a better choice than the fated mate.
These cases do occur, but not that often.
Choosing a mate is sometimes not easy for both parties. Depending on what the reasons are.
A Chosen Mate prevents e.g. that the choosing part becomes weaker. The weakening of a werewolf is either due to the fact that it has been waiting for/looking for its fated mate for many years or because it has lost its previous partner.
In such a case, the Chosen Mate acts as an anchor.

Mate Bond

The bond that fated mates have is formed once the individual has reached the 14th year of life and has received their wolf. This is usually not noticed by both of them and happens passively. This bond is usually strong when both of them meet, but it can also become very strong if it takes longer than a few years until both of them meet.


Fortunately, this only happens in the rarest of cases and is introduced by the words:"I, [full name], reject you, [full name of the mate]."This leads to the rejected mate suffering severe pain, both of them (human form and inner wolf).
The rejected mate can decide whether to accept the rejection or not. If the latter accepts the rejection, the other does not necessarily have to be nearby when the rejected mate says:
"I, [Full Name], accept your rejection."With this action the connection between both fated mates is severed. The mate who initiated the rejection suffers a much worse pain than the one who was rejected. The reason for this pain is that it is a connection blessed by the Moon Goddess and therefore sacred, rejecting it is a sacrilege and is punished with this pain that one feels.
She made the rule that no member of any species of Supernaturals were to interfere with fated mates. They would face long lasting retribution should they do so, and to reject your fated would bring pain and punishment.

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Mind Link


Direct first-degree relatives (parents and siblings) can Mind Link with each other without being in wolf form. All other wolves in the pack, with the exception of Alpha, Luna and Beta, must be in wolf form in order to establish a Mind Link (outside of family connections) with each other.

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Helpful to Deadly

blessing and curse

Wolfsbane, also known as wolf monkshood (Aconitum lycoctonum), or yellow monkshood, is a species of plant from the genus Monkshood (Aconitum) within the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). It is widespread in Eurasia, but rare overall in Central Europe. Like all Aconitum species, it contains an alkaloid that has a neurotoxic effect on mammals.In very small quantities it is used for medical purposes, but can have life-threatening or even fatal effects if the dosage is too careless and too high.Caution: Pregnant women are strongly advised not to use medicine containing wolfsbane as it can lead to abortion.It can also be found in very small quantities in alcoholic drinks made specifically for werewolves and Lycans, such as Wolf Whiskey.
(The reason for this is that both werewolves and Lycans' bodies process normal alcohol more quickly and they cannot get drunk from it.)


Silver is often used in the form of handcuffs as these prevent transformation and communication with the Lycan/Wolf. However, skin contact with silver is very unpleasant and even painful. The use of silver in other weapons or even torture tools such as whips is also common practice. Liquid silver injected into the vein is fatal.

╔════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ════╗Layla has no ships
at the moment.
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══════ ☽•°°•☾ ══════__Disclaimer:
__ I'm NOT (!) the Person on the Pic!
The Bluesky/Minds Account associated with this Site is for Role Play purposes ONLY!
The Person on the Picture is in NO WAY (!) affiliated with me, the Owner and Writer of the associated Bluesky/Minds Account!
Interactions with people from Real Life (RL) are NOT (!) desired and RL Accounts are blocked without exception!
This Account is not suitable for minors nor for RPs with them!
The content is strictly aimed at adults!
══════ ☽•°1°•☾ ══════Faceclaim (FC)Meaning: My muse looks like the person used as FC without being that person.Note: Statements, Opinions and Actions are at no time related to the real person who is used as the FC!══════ ☽•°2°•☾ ══════How I write• "...Text..." → In Character talk 1
• '...Text...' → In Character Shapeshifter 1
• ...Text... → What the Character is doing
• [...Text...] → Thoughts in Character
• //...Text... → Out of Character (OoC)
1 Pls don't take everything so serious when I'm in Character! Thx!══════ ☽•°3°•☾ ══════Writer vs MuseKeep in mind that Words, Actions, as well as Behavior, Personality, Personal Views, or Opinions of my Muse are not a personal representation of me, the Writer and the used FC.IC is different from OoC!My Muse has their own Personality and Life Experience and will act according to their past experiences, their own personality and the situation.══════ ☽•°4°•☾ ══════Drama = Block› Don't involve/drag me (the Writer) in stupid unnecessary Drama, I've had enough of that in the past.
If there is something that bothers you then talk to me directly in the DM.
If you do it regardless, I will block you without warning.
› Don't accuse me (the Writer) of anything without first talking to me personally.
As an example, never accuse me of copying another Muse just because I use the same FC and without first taking a good look at my Muse!
If you do it nevertheless, you will be blocked without warning.
══════ ☽•°5°•☾ ══════Punctuations, Speech & ActionPlease put at least a little bit effort in your replies and keep your speech and actions separated. Thx!══════ ☽•°6°•☾ ══════OpenRP & Specific Starters› OpenRP: I don't always write OpeneRP in a post. The reasons for this are that I am sometimes too lazy to write it in or simply need the space because I want to leave it at one post.› Specific Starters: In the case of plotted SLs, the post is set to "Only mentioned persons can reply".
Unfortunately, it has happened in the past that unwanted (harmless) reactions occurred.
══════ ☽•°7°•☾ ══════My DMsAre mostly open for OoC talk.
Please ask beforehand if I want to RP in my DMs.
You can also hit me up there if you have any questions about a RP or my Muse.
Pls accept & respect that I preffer to RP on the TL. Thx!══════ ☽•°8°•☾ ══════How descriptive I am?I'm semi descriptive til descriptive.
It depends on my mood & inspiration!
══════ ☽•°9°•☾ ══════Ships w/ChemNo focus on that.
Talk with me about that beforehand!
#MultiShip (#MS) means for me different Timelines/Story's and not one!
If you don't like my ship/s and you can't respect it, you'd better go.
══════ ☽•°10°•☾ ══════Flirt, Lewd, Erotic & NsfwFlirt: Possible that my Muse will tease your Muse in a flirty way.Lewd: This Account is not a lewd Account!!Erotic: No focus on it and only with Ship.Forced or even the attempt will not be tolerated and will result in a block.
I have certain limits, please ask them beforehand!!!
My muse doesn't exist to satisfy your sexual needs or fantasy!Nsfw: Doesn't always mean Erotic, it means also Mature and Dark themed stuff.══════ ☽•°°•☾ ══════

╔═════ ☽•°⛥°•☾ ═════╗Experienced Writer
Female | 35+
Writer tag:#NariRP
Timezone: CET
First Language: German
Bluesky: NariRP
Carrd Site: Nari Writer
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